Wednesday, January 24, 2007

RSI offers aggressive competitive upgrades for legacy competitor Call Accounting systems on Nortel platforms.

Resource Software International Ltd. (RSI) announced today it is offering incentives for customers that require forced/verified account codes and/or call accounting on Nortel Networks Norstar or BCM. Check out our complete line of call accounting, console and management solutions for Nortel platforms on our exclusive RSI Nortel Compatible Products website.

Special competitive upgrade discounts will be granted to channel partners and customers who currently own a legacy Cintech Solutions TeleSeries Call Accounting for Norstar*, Revolution Software and other legacy systems tailored for Nortel. We offer complete compliance with the latest Norstar 7.0 and BCM series.

Some of our core products include:

tools CTI Pack features include Forced/Verified Account Codes, Automated Wake-up calls, Set Locking/Unlocking and Text Messaging. These features have resulted in enhanced call handling in Professional Environments (Lawyers, Chartered Accountants, Engineers, etc) as well as Hospitality Environments. RSI also offers seamless integration to our call accounting suite of products.

Shadow Voice & Data Management CMS is a powerful system that facilitates communications management from various telephone systems and IP switches. Modules include call accounting, hotel billing, guest tracking, traffic analysis, ACD reporting and web call management. The system is completely scaleable from a small office to a global multi-site environment.

Revolution Web Call Accounting is a completely web-based call accounting package with an embedded web server, SQL database engine (SQLite, MySQL), built-in reporting engine and automated task scheduler. The software works with Norstar, BCM, M1 and CS1000 platforms

Click here for the RSI Nortel Compatible Products website

Information about RSI, its products and the company's maintenance program can be found on the World Wide Web at

Contact RSI for competitive upgrade discounts on other platforms.

*Discounts may vary depending on implementation. This promotion may end without notice.