Wednesday, February 7, 2024

RSI RingCentral Customers Migration from PubNub to Websockets and use JWT credentials or OAuth


RSI RingCentral Customers Migration from PubNub to Websockets and usee JWT credentials or OAuth

This notice applies to RSI customers subscribed to Shadow Agent and Shadow All In One Analytics for RingCentral MVP.

Rest assured RSI has been preparing for well over a year to migrate authorization and data access technologies as required by RingCentral.   There is no cause for concern because your software RSI software is fully compliant with the new cut-over effective March 31, 2024.

You may receive a notice, similar to the one below, from RingCentral.  This is an automated warning that is sent to users of RingCentral partner products.  If you are unsure about the status of your software,  feel free to reach out to our support team.  As stated above,  we have been migrating away from PubNub for the past year.  All customers will not be dependent on PubNub going forward.