Shadow CMS Enterprise
w/ Cisco UCM Native Queuing Reporting
Most organizations pride themselves in providing customers with answers quickly and efficiently. A properly working call center can distinguish your business and provide a competitive advantage. An overloaded, inaccurate or malfunctioning call handling system could spell disaster.
Shadow CMS Enterprise, our popular call accounting software, now gives you a powerful means of deciphering this additional valuable data produced by your Cisco communication server logs. Now you can make intelligent workforce, skill set and network planning decisions with concise system metrics. Some of the reports included:

Agent Detail by Queue
Agent Summary
Agent Summary by Day/Week
Agent Call Summary by Queue
Queue Detail
Queue Abandoned Detail
Call Results Queue Summary
Call Results Day/Week/Hourly
Call Summary by Queue
Queue Hourly Summary
Cradle to Grave Detail and Summary
* Product Information
All reports are provided at no additional cost to the standard call accounting package.